Remembering Ralph Wolter, Godfather Extraordinaire

Magicats is saddened at the passing of Ralph Wolter, Magicats Godfather, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge from his home in Phoenix, October 27, 2020 after a long difficult illness. Magicats owes its existence to this generous, caring Twin Falls philanthropist who walked the walk and talked the talk.  Twelve years ago, Ralph encouraged the three original “cat ladies:” Terry Montague, his wife Carolyn, and Betti Taylor to live our dream of a rescue offering “something better for kitties.” As our tight little group has grown and changed, his spirit has never left us. A consummate “Cat Guy,” Ralph often stood financial guarantor for a waif’s expensive medical treatment. When money was tight and hope was faint, a check with a cheerful note from one of his personal Magi-kitties would show up in the mail, and we could meet a monthly vet bill. Many were the beloved kitties who shared their household. In our darkest times, his friendship and encouragement were there to keep us on course. In deepest gratitude, we send our loving, warm condolences to Carolyn, who walked the road with him and with us. We will never forget. 


Golden Marble


Interview with Tula